Exodus notoriously ditched Steam at the eleventh hour last year. Despite taking pre-orders for months, publishers Deep Silver signed an exclusivity contract with Epic Games. Passengers who’d already bought their tickets through Steam still got their copy, and DLC dropped for those lucky few on Steam as planned. That didn’t stop riled-up Metro fans from feeling like Deep Silver pulled a fast one on them, mind. Would-be customers vowed boycotts against Epic as a rogue 4A employee retaliated with threats to pull the series from PC entirely. For what it’s worth, Exodus is still a right good lark. In his Metro Exodus review, Brendy reckoned the open-world departure “deserves its place among its underground comrades” - even if it eventually sinks back into subterranean slogs. “If there are any further shooters set in the Metroverse, they’ll won’t be able to return to a life of tunnel vision. Not when we’ve seen Metro is capable of so much more.” Today’s release arrives with both DLC expansions. That includes this week’s new drop, Sam’s Story, which trades out Soviet snow-shoes for a US Ranger’s battered sneakers as your boy Sam searches for a way back to the good ol’ US-of-A. Metro Exodus is available now over on Steam. It’s going at a solid 40% off the now, bringing the base game down to £21/€24/$24. Cheaper than a return Scotrail up to Dundee, that.