The bot “@Psnrelease” has only been tweeting since last month, beginning on February 5th, and has already posted over 800 PSN updates and additions. Presumably the information is pulled from some hidden public endpoint of the store’s architecture. PSN Releases sent out this update today for a game called “Maverick” which must have been uploaded to part of PSN’s system. The text alone wouldn’t have meant much, but the picture included really gives up the gig. The game art shows a big honkin’ star destroyer and tiny little X-wing fighters beneath it. Some of the replies to PSN Release’s tweet are speculating about a Rogue Squadron game which—as someone who genuinely has not played a proper Star Wars game since being a terrible child pilot on the Nintendo 64—would be pretty neat. We don’t know a dang other thing about Star Wars: Project Maverick, if that’s even it’s true name. In a report just last month, Kotaku claimed that EA currently have two new Star Wars games in the works. One is a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The other is apparently “a smaller, more unusual project” being worked on at EA Motive. Kotaku confirmed today that, according to their knowledge, this Project Maverick is Motive’s project. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait for EA to properly acknowledge Maverick before we find out more about it.